Out of the Darkness by K Caffee #Fallreading #bookboost @books_n_pearls
The Followers of
Torments Saga
Book 1: Out
of the Darkness
Nameless was
orphaned at birth in the cells of the Melkreschen gladiator pits. He struggles
to learn the skills needed to prosper under his trainer, and to survive the
bloody combat, where success means living another day and failure means death.
Offered to the dark goddess of the realm, he is accepted as one of Hers. Living by her sufferance, he strives towards freedom and survival. If he wins his way to freedom, will he remain Her living avatar or will he seek to become his own person?
Offered to the dark goddess of the realm, he is accepted as one of Hers. Living by her sufferance, he strives towards freedom and survival. If he wins his way to freedom, will he remain Her living avatar or will he seek to become his own person?
Purchase links:
http://ow.ly/LvwAm - Smashwords
http://ow.ly/LvTo1 - Barnes and Noble
- iTunes
- Scribd
- universal Amazon
A little bit about the series:
The series started as a role play back story
for Nameless about 10 years ago. When
the group I played with drifted apart, I thought I was done with him. In August of 1014, the story decided it was
not done with me. I was enrolled in
college with a daunting schedule of twelve graduate level hours when the story
caught up to me. I was given the
ultimatum: Write the story, or I
wouldn’t be allowed to sleep.
I tried, I really did try to wiggle out of the
clutches of my writing bug. Obviously,
it won, and I lost. However, despite
being a little overwhelmed at times, I’m grateful for where this story has
taken me. It is a dark fantasy, yet I
also feel that it provides a little hope for those suffering from mental
illness. In researching for both
Nameless, and one of the support characters who is introduced in Into the Sunlits, there are a wide
range of issues I wind up touching on.
From being ostracized, exiled, and neglected to being accepted despite
having a mental disorder, or looking different.
Yes, some of the actual facts are well hidden –
this is fantasy after all – but at the core of each character that is
introduced, there is something there that today’s society finds reason to hate,
fear, or distrust. And, yet, through it
all, Nameless and his captives grow as people, and find acceptance among
As an author, I have taken up the challenge I
offer to any other writer, blogger, or fellow published author – be a beacon of
hope. It does not matter which genre you
write in, you can still show the world and influence your readers, that being
different does not mean you cannot find and make friends.
Out of the Darkness Excerpt:
As he ran through the streets in
the poorest section of the City, many eyes turned to follow him in puzzlement.
There had been no general alarm sounded, none of the residents had heard of any
plans for a general riot, and none of the guards did one ounce more work than
necessary for their shift. If he was late for reporting in, then he was going
the wrong way. If he was off shift, then he was heading the wrong way. He
should be heading in the direction of the Guard friendly taverns instead of
toward the Exiled Fringe.
A few youngsters attempted to keep
pace with him, but had to desist after only a few blocks due to the general
condition of their malnutrition. Nameless increased his pace as the general
population levels fell, reaching full speed just as he hit the fields of fungus
separating the Warrens from the Exiled Fringe. In sheer exuberance, he pushed
the pace even further, pushing himself into an all out sprint that carried him
three quarters around the perimeter of the City’s circumference. When he felt
his breathing start to become ragged, he allowed his pace to slow into a steady
ground-eating lope. He then maintained this pace for several glass before
slowing again to a jog to finish the last quarter perimeter necessary to bring
him “home”.
When he approached the crevice he
considered to be his, he stopped briefly to strip off the sweat soaked,
encumbering uniform. Retaining only his belt, from which he hung the pouch he
never let leave his side, he did some light stretching before starting to work
through his normal exercise routines. Without consciously realizing it, his
rhythms were paced by his heartbeat with each set of movements delineated by
the periodic gongs that rang throughout the city marking each glass as it crept
past. When he finished his last cool down set, he was happy to return to his
crevice for a well-earned sleep.
A slight movement toward the back
of the crevice, however, put him back on full alert, waking his senses to Arena
readiness, and his mind to full alert. He paused long enough to let his torch
blinded eyes adjust to his preferred dimness. When the movement did not occur
again, he carefully approached the spring softly burbling at the back of his home,
his eyes lashing every surface for any trace of movement. What he found,
instead, was a mound of food left as gifts in exchange for the use of his water
source. The movement had been caused by some of the mound settling in on
K. Caffee is a
full time graduate student who has bowed to the pressures of her muse to get
the stories she likes to tell out into the big world. She has always enjoyed
entertaining others with her flights of fancy, and now invites you to come
along for the ride. When she is not writing, or studying, she is a willing
servant to her two cats who sometimes provide inspiration for her stranger
If you’d like to connect with me, here are my social
Media Links:
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/PukahWorks
Twitter - https://twitter.com/PukahWorks
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